is an attempt to help individuals, firms, institutions, corporates source all that they want from a wide range of stationery items and books at the click of a button and made available at their door step. With years of experience behind us and having very good understanding of the customer’s choice and taste, we have always provided the top service with best quality products and customer not having to spend a lot of money. We source stationery from nook and corner of the country and abroad as well. Stationery keeps changing its shape, size and presentation. Our aim is to keep the customer informed of every new stationery item that hits the market. We also promise to source any stationery item that you may require at the earliest possible time, also keeping you informed upfront about the cost that will entail for the purchase, the time required for sourcing and delivery. We stock best of the books for the readers and also text books and guides for the students. You name the book, be it in any language, we will source it for you, quickly and at the best price. We have been major suppliers of text books for many institutions in DK, Udupi and other districts. One opportunity given to us will entice you to be with us for ever. We invite you to be part of our patronizing customer list and spread a word about us, we promise you the best service at all times.